

Shabby Apple, How I Love Thee!

I love Shabby Apple.  It's a well-documented fact that I spend a lot of time salivating over their beautiful garments.  I mean, just take a look at the gorgeous Bali Ha'i dress I had the pleasure of reviewing:

I have so many Shabby Apple favourites on Pinterest that I think my Fantastic Frocks board is near exploding!  I love all of the items from their Mad Hatter collection:

The Tea Time Dress from the Mad Hatter Collection

I have recently been delighting in 80's nostalgia with the launch of their newest line: The Block.  Amazing pieces all made up in gloriously saturated colour!   I adore the Headliner Dress and I love how they've paired it with aqua accessories (be still my aqua + red loving heart!).

The Headliner Dress from The Block Collection
I know how you ladies love a good chevron, too.  Did you know that the Crosswalk Skirt is on sale for 25% off?

The Crosswalk Skirt from The Block collection
Wouldn't it be amazing if we could choose the Shabby Apple items that are put on sale? I would love that!  For starters, the Mad Hatter and South Pacific collections top my list, followed closely by Academia and Set Sail.

The Ivy League Dress from the Academia Collection
Which would you choose?  Come and cast your vote in the poll on my sidebar.  If I haven't listed your favourite collection or item, please leave me a comment to let me know!

The Overboard Dress from the Set Sail Collection


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