working on it... |
3 years old! |
He requested a dinosaur cake. I wasn't about to attempt anything like this, so we compromised on a dinosaur egg. We decided that blue with purple dots was a great color scheme.
Even better, the inside was a blue ombre cake. Why not make it fun? (Desiree, I blame you for the inspiration!)
Ever since he was a newborn, Dio has had an intense personality. This goes for his happy moods as well as his cranky ones. He has an instant on/off switch, and we never know when he's going to flip from silly giggles into shrieks. As much as the intensity is challenging at times, he can be quite delightful to be around.
His language skills are quite developed now; I love hearing him verbalize his thoughts and observations. And he has the most endearing franglais. When he's trying to speak French, he usually starts out in English and then ends the sentence in French. It takes him a few words to get warmed up.
He's been full potty trained since he was 2 1/2, but he can now go pee all by himself. It's so nice not to have to help him every time! I still haven't switched him over from a crib into a regular bed. We've tried taking him out of his crib, but he's much harder to get down for naps (or to stay put in the middle of the night) when he can "escape." So for now, we're sticking with the crib. Zari hardly ever slept in a crib, except for naps or to start out at night before we came in. Then she went directly onto a twin mattress on the floor.
I think Dio's nursing days are coming to a close. I nurse him just once every 2-3 days. His latch is getting worse and worse, and he's hardly getting any milk out. We're going to be in France this summer, so I might have a nursing party for him like I did for Zari. He still really likes the comfort of nursing, though, and I worry about arbitrarily ending it too soon. I love how he says, "I want to nurse you, mama."
Happy 3rd birthday, Dio. We're so glad to have you in our family!
photo by Zari |
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