Hi, I'm MaryLu and I'm a quilter. (Hi, MaryLu!)
My blog header's "mission statement," if you will, says "I'm just trying to make something beautiful with the scraps I'm given." Sometimes that means the situations that life throws at me, sometimes it's more literal.
I've been given lots of scraps lately and I've tried to file them into their appropriate categories, here in my studio and in life.
I just picked up this entertainment center at Goodwill and found that it fits perfectly in this little nook in my studio.
On it, I keep baskets of fabrics sorted by designer, or by use. It also displays some of my most treasured things.

Each basket is full of specific types of fabric. And then there's my Go! cutter. It's wonderful for quickly making a pile of scraps into usable pieces.
Sitting atop this cabinet keeping watch over things is Uncle Sam. The sewing machine belonged to my brother Clarence. We helped my sister-in-law clean out her basement after my brother died and I rescued it. It's a very sturdy, (and heavy) Kenmore I've named Claire.
I've always had an interest in antique, or just plain old, sewing accouterments. These spools and sewing kit came from the estate sale of a neighbor. Ms. Dorice was 93 years old when she died. She made the most beautiful beaded Christmas ornaments. I give her things a prominent place in my studio.
This little cabinet came from a friend, (thanks, Crystal!) It's holding my Etsy pincushions and miscellaneous projects in the drawers.
These will soon turn into pretty pincushions to go in my store.
Just like this one...
Up above, a plaque from my sister, because my sisters are awesome and sewing always reminds me of sewing at home with them.
This is one of my "inspiration-makes me smile" areas. I painted the blue shelf a million years ago, and the old canning jars are filled with more vintage notions and buttons.
Yes, that's a sundae dish full of Lemonheads! I had hoped that the kids wouldn't notice them if they weren't in the box. Nope, took them about 5 minutes to see them.
On the floor is a pile of patiently waiting stuffed friends. This is the ER for all things fluffy. They need some stitches and stuffing and they'll be good as new.
The picture in the checkerboard frame is my "someday" place. A simple little farm house next to the church where my hubby preaches, set in a hilly little scene with blue sky.
On the opposite wall are some of my minis. And a waiting Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll block. I only have about 40 more of these to make.
Behind the door is my recently repurposed pattern storage. I don't sew clothes much anymore, I prefer things that require no fitting--quilts always fit. I also don't care for 3-dimensional items. I can always press a quilt flat and make it work, not so easy with a stuffed bear's head or tummy.
The closet shelf holds my larger pieces of fabric, anything over a yard or so, are wound on half-bolts. I got the idea from Gee-Gee's, the quilt shop where I used to work. They rolled their remnants this way and stored them on a bookshelf. Very tidy!
Stacked under the shelf are my folded pieces of fabric arranged by colors.
My Bonnie Hunter Scrap User System is "filed" neatly into another bank of drawers. They are so pretty!
The basket on top holds all the spools I have emptied this year. I thought it would be fun to see how much I actually go through. It's filling up fast.
Here's my Quilting Queen ready for the next project. She's quite the work horse!
Beside her sits my leaders and enders, (also from Bonnie Hunter!) These will one day turn into a beautiful "My Blue Heaven" a pattern by, (again) Bonnie Hunter. You can see a picture in this post at Bonnie's Website. When I looked up the link I discovered that it was a "Show and Tell" post, and that my quilt was the first one pictured! [Squeal!]
These sweet boxes hold my WIP projects, (that's Work In Progress,)

Next to my Quilting Queen is a special little gift from my adorable sister, Syl. She stuck this little cute pincushion in a box of fabric. When I saw it I knew just the place--I dropped this little felted wool cutie into one my waiting cups and saucers. This one will stay right by me, thankyouverymuch! I love it, the lanolin in the wool keeps my pins and needles rust free--a welcome benefit in this damp climate.
My windowsill holds more of my "pretties." I trade them out now and then so I can enjoy them all.
I'm even flowing out into the hallway, just one bookshelf now, but look out, soon I may be stashing fabric and notions all over.
Thanks for taking a look, I hope you have had fun on my tour. Come back soon and we'll enjoy a cup of tea together. If I can find a cup that hasn't been turned into a pincushion, that is.
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