

Etsy Store...Finally!

I just set up my Etsy Shoppe. I'm spelling it the Olde way just because I like all things vintage.

I'm featuring sewing items, vintage sheets, (isn't everyone?) pincushions, and handmade sewing accessories that reflect an earlier, simpler time.

I often wish that I were Ma Ingalls, or Anne of Green Gables; but not really, I rely on my modern appliances too much for that. So, I try to incorporate a bit of the nostalgia and whimsy here on my blog and in my Shoppe.

I have a few pincushions listed there and a queen sized quilt. The quilt I will showcase here as well. I'll also be setting a link on my sidebar to get to my Etsy Shoppe, (once I figure out how to do that of course!)
This is the quilt: It's a queen sized Thimbleberries pattern, made with Marine Corps and military fabrics. There are several machine embroidered emblems and icons that represent Marine life and patriotism.

It's machine quilted on my DSM in an all over stipple pattern with scrolls, stars and rippling flag waves in the borders, and bound by machine then hand stitched down.
I'm selling this for $450, with $25.00 Shipping.

Check out my Etsy Shoppe here.


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