

Bad blogger!!!

Sorry, I'd been neglecting this blog for the longest time ever! More than two weeks...that's really long. Actually, I'm totally uninspired lately. I hardly put on makeup and I haven't bought new makeup for the longest time. I have quite a few drafts halfway done, but I could never actually finish writing it up.

So that supposed to be unannounced hiatus, and I hope it ends with this post. During the hiatus, I've been busy with new hobby. I bought a sewing machine (I always wanted one) and been quite productive. I'd make quite a lot of stuffs and might need to sell it away as I made too many! Sewing is addictive.

My skin condition is still not so good, the redness is getting worse but the acne itself seems to calm down a little. I hope that aspirin mask actually work. I can't wait for it to get better so that I can start using blusher being afraid of highlighting redness on me cheeks.


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