I was tagged by my friend/blogger Adaku of ThirdWordProfashional to see what is in my bag. After I came back from the movies, I decided to do a quick post including a look at what is in my bag.
Outfit: Rings: Aldo & F21, Aldo bag, Zara belt, H&M romper & blazer, watch: Michael Kors
This is my bag...
1. Take a picture of your bag.
2. Take a picture of its contents.
3. Explain!
4. Tag as many bloggers as you want, that you'd like to see the contents of their bags.
Don't forget to mention the person that tagged you...
Here is a picture of what is in my bag...
1. MAC Ruby Woo lipstick & Mac studio fix: I carry a red lipstick with me at all time. I am obsessed with red lipstick.
2. Victoria's Secret Lipgloss: I hate chap lips, and like it popping LOL
3. Hand Sanitizer: I have seen people touch or do nasty thing with their hands that I just have to have one constantly
4. Pen: I am always signing something or writing down ideas and inspirations
5. Ipod/Ipad: Ipod: I need music especially at work. Normally, I don't carry my Ipad, accept if I am going somewhere that will likely require me to wait for a long time. I have different categories of inspiring photos
6. Magazine: I happen to have NYLON magazine today. I always have a magazine or book in my bag
7. Blackberry & charger: I have a hate/love relationship with this phone. It is constantly hitting the floor--thanks to my phone cover, it is still acting slightly normal.
8. Wallet: It was a gift from my friend. It has everything from bank cards, gift cards to receipts
9. Cookies: You will always find some form of snack in my bag because I am always hungry :D
10. Umbrella: It has been raining constantly here. You just never know when it will rain
11. Bluetooth: You can't drive with you phones here, so this has become my necessity
I am Tagging...
- Alina
- Vivi
- I'm Just Me
- Dominique
- Prissy
- LOCA and also the WINNER of the Make up forever and Mac Lipstick--Whoop! Whoop!
- Msmedschool
- From the Rez to the City
- And anyone who leaves a comment in this post :)
Have a wonderful day!
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