Cơ quan An toàn Thực phẩm New Zealand (The New Zealand Food Safety Authority) cảnh báo người dân không uống trà xanh Trung Quốc trong đó có lẫn hột của cây trà này. Sản phẩm này được đóng gói dưới nhản hiệu Heng Ming và Canton Love Pea tea. Lá của cây trà này có lợi cho dạ dày và gan nhưng hột của nó thì rất độc, một liều lượng nhỏ có thể dẫn đến chết người.
Tiếng Anh:
The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) is warning people not to consume in any way seeds that may be found in a Chinese green tea. This product is sold under various brand names such as Heng Ming and Canton Love Pea tea. It is widely availed through out Asian supermarkets and Eastern medicine outlets.
[Geoff Allan, New Zealand Food Safety Authority]:
“If you consumed the seeds themselves, the toxins within the seeds are very poisonous and a small amount of that could very well prove to be fatal.”
The tea was pulled from the shelves when an inspector found that its contents did not match what was written in the ingredients. It contained toxic pods that had not been removed. The product is now being withdrawn from sale and recalled by the importer.
But why is there such a huge amount of faulty and dangerous goods being produced in China? Let’s go to our New York studio now to hear from China Dr Sean Linn, NTD China Analyst. Sean, can you tell us a bit more about why this is happening?
[Dr. Sean Lin, NTD China Analyst]:
“The Green Tea product that has been recalled this time, is supposed to be a dried leaf product of a plant called Abrus Cantoniensis. It should be common knowledge to the manufacturer that the leaf is beneficial for the stomach and liver but the seed is very poisonous. So obviously this time it is very poor product safety control, because even one single round of product safety should be able to identify that this seed is mixed with the green leaf.”
Poisonous foods that hit western shores are but a drop in the ocean in comparison with what consumers have to deal with.
According to the editorial The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party written by the Epoch Times a manufacturer from Henan Province produced thousands of tons of cooking oil every month using materials containing carcinogens such as waste oil, oil extracted from left-over meals, or industrial bi products that contained residual oils.
And it doesn’t end there, food manufactures mix industrial alcohol with drinking wine, polish rice using industrial shortenings, and whiten bread flour with industrial brightening agents.
Dangerous goods keep coming out of China but this time it was discovered before any damage occurred.
NTD will continue to bring you further coverage on this issue. This is Gina Shakespear, NTD, New Zealand
“The Green Tea product that has been recalled this time, is supposed to be a dried leaf product of a plant called Abrus Cantoniensis. It should be common knowledge to the manufacturer that the leaf is beneficial for the stomach and liver but the seed is very poisonous. So obviously this time it is very poor product safety control, because even one single round of product safety should be able to identify that this seed is mixed with the green leaf.”
New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television
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