

Durrant Family Cookbook: Fruit Cocktail Cake

Have any of you seen "Julie and Julia?" It's the story of an adventurous lady who decides to recreate all the recipes in Julia Child's cookbook, Joy of Cooking.

She blogs about her successes and failures. I've decided that I will do the same thing.

I have an amazing cookbook created by my relatives. It's a collection of family favorites from aunts, cousins, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. I have several cousins who have expressed an interest in obtaining a copy on line.

While my uncle has access to several physical copies, I thought it would be fun to try recipes at home, then blog about my successes or failures, tips and tweakings.

Because I try to keep my blog anonymous, I will post page numbers of the cookbook and first names only of the submitting cook.

Here is the first: Fruit Cocktail Cake by: Carolyn C. (My Mom!)

It appears on page IX-8 of the cookbook.

Stir together: 1 1/2 c. sugar, 2 c. flour, 2 t soda, pinch salt and 2 well beaten eggs and 1 #303 fruit cocktail and juices. Pour into greased 9x13" pan. Sprinkle top with 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1/2 c. nuts. Bake for 1 hour at 325. While baking, mix icing up: 3/4 c. sugar, 2/3 c. milk, 1 c. butter. Boil 5 minutes and add 1/2 c. coconut, 1 t vanilla and pour over hot cake.

Editor's comments: I didn't open a can of fruit cocktail, I had a can of cranberry jelly, half a jar of pluots and some leftover crushed pineapple in the fridge. I threw these in the batter instead of the fruit cocktail.

I have a daughter who isn't a big fan of nuts, so I just tossed some halved pecans on top with the brown sugar, so that Chels could pick them out.

This was a hit with everyone! The caramel-ly flavors and texture, with coconut was more like a spice cake with German-type frosting than a cake with fruit in it.

I will definitely do this one again. I think using any jar of fruit would be very tasty!


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