

Mafia II

"Mafia" is immortal: the long-awaited continuation of the famousgangster saga from the creators of the original game - a new immersion in a ruthless and intriguing world is full of sharp oschuscheniy.Glavny hero of modern history - Vito, the son of Italian immigrants who grew up in poverty and injustice. Since childhood, he learned that the Mafia - the only path to wealth, and respect for the rights of its provisions, and not wanting to languish, full of hardship, as her father's existence, decided to become a career gangsterom.Prestupnaya Vito and his sidekick, Joe begins petty theft and car theft, however, quickly they will rise to higher levels of the criminal ladder. And then it turns out that real life tough guys are not as cloudless as it appeared in the boys' dreams.
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