

Made for relaxation

Now that am back to a busy schedule of work and school, I try to fit in a day for relaxing. Most of my relaxing days are filled with cut-off shorts, sheer tops and short floral dresses. With the way the weather is today, I could do with less bulky clothes.

For some reason, am really looking forward to fall. I should do a post on fall must-have items. Right now, I am so into laces, leopards, beige/nude/caramel colors, military/workshop boots...

I missed my "zumba" dance class today because I had to go to the dentist because I broke about 1/4 of my molar tooth the second time after it was refilled 3-4minth ago. It hurts like scrap especially when I have my sister-in-law famous Kung-Pao chicken. I think I might have to get a root canal or uproot the tooth :(

Anyway, am off to study and then sleep...zzzzzzzzzzz

later fashionistas, XOXO

outfit: American eagle shorts, Forever 21 sheer top, H&M BF shirt, Sam edelman booties


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