

Quilt Rescue

Some people have an affinity for animal rescue. That's wonderful for them. There are many poor pets that need a loving home and someone to be their advocate. I appreciate the work and the services they provide.

I, however, have a heart for unloved, abused quilts. At every yard sale I visit I keep a keen eye out for poor unloved fragments of fabric. Every once in a while I find a treasure worthy of rescue.

Today was that sort of a day. I stopped just down the road, not thinking I would find anything, browsed a few tables, walked around a corner and saw this beauty. It was marked $22, which was a steal of a deal for the vintage fabric and hand sewing involved. I quickly and discreetly scanned the bills in my purse and was about to walk away, but the "yard sale manager" said she would consider all offers. I quickly said that I only had $13, would that be OK. She hemmed and hawed, then caved! YES!!

This vintage Double Wedding Ring was poor, unloved and abused. It was once a lovely item. Perhaps it was a wedding gift for a newly returned soldier and his bride. Maybe his mother made it while praying for his safe return.

Then again, maybe his sweetheart made it as she hoped for the best--that he would one day come home and return her love with a proposal.

I can always dream.

Back to the facts: it is 1930's vintage fabrics, it was hand pieced. At one time it had been quilted with lovely little stitches in a yellow cotton thread. It looks as if it had only been quilted to a flannel sheet. It has since been cut away from that flannel except around the fine yellow stitches.

I'd really like to restore it to its original beauty and luster. I really have no idea where to start, except to resew the edges and get the arcs back together. Then maybe to sandwich it and quilt around the yellow stitches.

Any other ideas?


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