

Hidden (and not so hidden) workspaces


Bright, organized workspaces like this make you want to sit down and create something.

this is a good desk solution that takes advantage of the wall space.

Living in an apartment in a city means an entire room devoted to an office or workspace is completely hors du question! So I'm left to figure out how to fashion an area for a desk that frankly, is untidy 90 percent of the time. Having a messy desk in open view disturbs my visual equilibrium, so I'm trying to think of ways to conceal it.

this work area created from two bookcases hinged together is ingenious (Martha Stewart Living).
Budget Living Home Cheap Home via sfgirlbybay

from Canadian Style at Home magazine via small space style

Have any of you found a good solution for hiding your work or craft area? Apartment Therapy had a great post on the Ten Best Hidden Office Solutions. And I've seen several ideas, like creating a desk and workspace inside an armoire. I would love to hear from anyone who has actually used this solution and finds it practical! (lowest photo- unknown source. please let me know if it's yours.)


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