

Nightclub Empire

There's something about nightclubs. The dance moves, the music, and the whole atmosphere of them reels in people from all walks of life and doesn't seem to let go. The discos (does anyone even call them discos any more?) are havens for singles (and couples) all over the world, and dancing itself is a mere sideshow to the pretty colours and vibe of the place. Digital Chocolate and Sumea have noticed the lack of nightclub games, and with their latest effort, are dancing their way to success. Nightclub Empire - think 'Railway Tycoon' meets 'New York Nights', puts you in control as a big-spending nightclub owner. Your job is to basically make a popular nightclub from the ground up and all you're given is the building and the rest is up to you. Although keeping your customers happy isn't hard, your staff will quit on you, and it's a constant need making sure the right DJ is playing. Having a Jamaican DJ play while the techno boys are in the house isn't a good move, and there are lots of challenges awaiting.

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