

Download Darkspore

EA re-invite us all to meet with fantasycreatures in their latestRPG, Darkspore. If you think that this is a sequel ofDarksporeSpore, you're wrong! Darkspore does have a title similar toSpore, thepopular simulation game EA life, and done by the same studio with Spore, Maxis.Darkspore also brings fantasycreatures a la Spore. Darkspore is not a sequelbut from Spore, the game is probably more accurate to say as a spin offofSpore.

Darkspore a story about a race called"The Crogenitors". Thisrace has the ability to carry mutations inliving things by using theE-DNA. Inadvertently, Crogenitors create a creaturewhose power they could not control, Darkspore. Darkspore started tomess up theuniverse with other beings created in his power tocontrol the E-DNA. Feelingresponsible, one Crogenitors start building an army to conquer Darkspore andrestore the balanceof the universe

Here are some leaks that have been expressedaboutDarkSpore:
* Each character will be created based oncertain basic types.The kit is similar to the Creature Creator in Spore, ofcourse, withRPG elements are more viscous.
* There are five types of 'monster' who aredistinguished by colorand visual effects, is the fifth Bio, Necro, Plasma,Cyber ​​andQuantum.
* Bio is specialized healing (healing), toxinsand growing stronger
* Plasma uses energy-based attacks andlightning
* Necro supernatural forces and 'rose from thegrave', the attackhighlighted the long-term damage
* Cyber ​​using targeted attacks and area-of-Effect, aswell as trap
* Quantum teleportation is a specialist thatcan 'jump around' in the arena of battle quickly
* There are three classes of 'hero' is Ravager,Sentinel andTempest
* Sentinel can be likened to the type of'tank' on the other RPGgame
* Tempest bit like a 'mage' in other RPGgames, because it relies on long-range attacks
* Combine the 'hero' and 'monster' above to bean overviewabout the characters in Darkspore, such as 'Plasma Sentinel'or'Cyber ​​Tempest' and so on.
* It is said that originally the developerjust wanted to make thegame a la Spore creature preparing to compete withothercreatures. This sounds similar to Pokemon, but can make your own monster.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XPSP3/Vista SP2/Windows 7
CPU: 3GHz P4 or IntelCore 2 Duo 2GHz or equivalent or faster
RAM: 2 GB or more
DISC DRIVE: 16x orfaster DVD drive
HARD DRIVE: Up to 10GB of free space
VIDEO: DirectX 9,DirectX 10 or DirectX 11 compatible video card*
SOUND: DirectXcompatible sound card


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