

A special shop in Paris: Astier de Villatte

Last Tuesday I returned from an inspiring and delicious week in Paris. At the suggestion of this lovely blogger Leigh, I used this little book, by the blogger/ stylist extraodinaire Pia Jane Bijkerk, as a guide to find many of the places I wanted to go see. I would certainly recommend this book if you want a glimpse into some special places!

The last day I was there, I decided to make a trip to Astier de Villatte. Though it was out of my way, and on a street where I had absolutly no other ambitions (swanky Rue St. Honore), I went. And I was so glad I did. The shop is gorgeous. I read that the shop is in the former home of Napoleon's silversmith, and so it has kept an 17th century-feel: dimly lit with are low ceilings, uneven floors and small doorways. It's such a charming place, but not in the manufactured sense, you know?

Piled high on tall antique dark wood bibliotheques with are the stacks of white handmade pottery in perfectly uneven and beautiful little shapes. Some embellished, and some completely simple- these are a joy to look at. The pieces look handmade, and I loved them all. The small bowl I chose as a souvenir of my trip now sits in my kitchen window and makes me happy every time I see it.


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