

Small style from Emily Chalmers

I'm sure most of you have read about or seen sylist Emily Chalmer's work through her books, Flea Market Syle, Contemporary Country and Table Inspirations, as well as her charming East London shop, Caravan. She is an inspiration- she always coming up with something unusual for her shop, and every time I pop in, I get new ideas from the way she has fashioned objects into a decorative scene. Not to mention, Emily herself is just a kind person who goes out of her way for her customers. Well, she's at it again with this ingenious little dollhouse I saw in January's Elle Decoration.
Emily and wallpaper designer Deborah Bowness designed this incredible dollhouse together and the detail is remarkable! I can't imagine where they found all the little bits, but it looks like a house you might really want for yourself instead of just for play!
Click on the photos to see more in a larger size. (Photos by Debi Treolar)


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