

New Orleans Style- Angele Parlange

Lately I'm loving a mix of New Orleans/ French decor everywhere I can find it! I found one dose of this style via this creative NOLA designer, Angele Parlange. Her colorful fabric choices and the way she's interjected not-too-serious things into her antebellum home make it personal and unique. It's a bit more relaxed the way she mixes things up, which is a more acheivable style in the real world (for me, at least). I also think that's just the perfect room of books, don't you? I mean, with so many books at arms' reach from the bed, well, it could be tempting to just not leave.

These images come from her book, Creole Thrift. I loved looking through this book at the bookstore when it came out, though to my regret, I didn't buy it. I should have gotten it while I had the chance, because I can't find it in London! It is full of of personal memoirs and stories collected along with snapshots of her family's life.


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