

Safari Biathlon Racer

Safari Biathlon Racer is a wild race between powerful turbocars of the future over racetracks on three different planets! On the first planet are interplanetary competitions on the second -- intergalactic. On the third you'll have an opportunity to win the title of Universal Champion! There are 14 different models of turbocars in the game - sandcars gliders marsh buggies and snow cars with maximum speeds of up to 500 km per hour.

Each car is equipped with an onboard weapons system which allows you to hit opponents' cars from a distance. Win large sums money and buy new more powerful cars. Get ready for breakneck speeds dangerously sharp turns tracer bullets a terrific soundtrack and the deep roar of mighty engines.

Watch out; the slightest slip and your super-charged car will veer off the track instantly reducing you from the leader of the pack to a pitiful heap of scrap iron.

Program Details: 60 minutes of gameplay, free! Download Safari Biathlon Racer now, and if you like it you can buy the complete version for only $19.99 without an additional download!

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